My name is Vilisi and I suffer FOMO…
"fear of missing out". The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great.
Even though he was exhausted, John's fomo got the best of him and he went to the party.
My tribe of loved ones know I suffer severe fomo, add to this my inability to say “No” to most requests means I have become an incredibly busy and unorganised individual, BUT 2018 is a new year and I am a changed woman…I think?!? No, I am.
Last year was action packed for my family of four with,
- relocating back to Qld from the NT,
- my babes starting yet another new school and dealing with nerves and my nerves of having to start over yet again,
- becoming an Uber driver - I mean driving my kids from play dates to sport to dancing,
- putting myself out there to connect with new friends,
- dealing with fomo with Darwin friends,
- full time work in the hectic world of recruitment,
- starting this exciting adventure of SistaMista with my bestie Kate, and
- trying to be a loving wife.
All I wanted to do was scream at the world to leave me alone for 5 minutes.
Things needed to change drastically if I want to survive another year and keep all the balls in the air.
I know it is still early in the year, but here are four big changes that have changed my life in 2018 (an exaggeration, maybe, maybe not, I’ll keep you posted).
- Old School Diary
Death by lists was my old life. I had several work lists, family budget lists, personal goal lists, upcoming event lists, school lists, reminders on my work and personal phones, on home and work computers. Needless to say lists were causing me major issues. I know there’ll be an App for this issue, but I have gone ‘Salt-n-Pepa’ old school with a day-to-a-page diary and JUST ONE LIST (it’s been a revelation … what can I say I’m a slow learner). I am literally writing everything down and where all four of us need to be so I can’t double book and over exhaust our lives.
I finally have a real-time, physical hard copy snapshot of what our weeks/months looks like, and more importantly where I have gaps for rest, meditation and me time.
Kmart Diary I have – Check me out!
- Meal plans
First thing to do is write down all the meals in your general repertoire, I was shocked to have almost 20, because it feels like I cook the same thing every night. Then I asked my beautiful tribe of friends for their best recipes.
Wave the magic wand and hey presto I am a now a mum who plans her week’s meals and I’m sticking to it, no more deciding what to cook for dinner. Check out some recipes tried, tested and loved by my fussy babes.
Creamy oven-baked chicken stroganoff
- Regular exercise
I feel like this is a blog in itself, however in brief I acknowledge I still use all the excuses I learnt about in the three rounds of Michelle Bridges’ 12WBT I started, and may or may not have finished. I’m a work-in-progress but what has changed this year is that I have finally listened to an amazing friend who says it’s all about consistency! I am trying very hard to implement this. That is all on this topic…for now.
- Journaling
I’ve started following a lovely lady Talei O'Keeffe who describes herself as an Emotion-Mindset Coach (in training), PT to amazing mums and a mother. She offers a holistic approach to health and wellbeing and has introduced me to journaling and its importance for the mind.
I always thought journaling was for teenagers in terms of “Dear Diary” … but I absolutely love my new 15-30 minute daily ritual of writing my thoughts down.
Content varies from a self pep talk about motherhood, exercise balance, other days it might be venting, some days just expressing and remember what I am grateful for.
Check out Talei’s facebook page for more information on her 28 day challenges!
In conclusion, I can safely say I am already seeing benefits by making these few simple changes to my daily routine. Don’t worry, I’m still me, we went to a pool party last week with no towels or swimmers! We can’t be perfect and need to just cut ourselves some slack on occasion.
Till next time …